Source code for objectmapper.objectmapper

'''ObjectMapper Class'''

from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, overload, Tuple, Type, TypeVar

from . import exceptions

_InputType = TypeVar('_InputType')
_OutputType = TypeVar('_OutputType')

def _make_tuple(non_tuple: Any) -> Tuple[Any, ...]:
        result = tuple(non_tuple)
    except TypeError:
        result = (non_tuple,)
    return result

[docs]class ObjectMapper: '''Class for recording and accessing mappings between object types. This will often be a singleton in user code. ''' def __init__(self) -> None: self._mappings: Dict[Tuple[type, ...], Dict[type, Callable[..., _OutputType]]] = dict() @overload def create_map(self, # pylint: disable=no-self-use; input_type: Type[_InputType], output_type: Type[_OutputType], map_function: None, force: bool) -> Callable[[Callable[[_InputType], _OutputType]], Callable[[_InputType], _OutputType]]: # pragma: no cover '''Stores a localized mapping between types. See `create_map`''' ... @overload def create_map(self, # pylint: disable=no-self-use input_type: Type[_InputType], output_type: Type[_OutputType], map_function: Callable[[_InputType], _OutputType], force: bool) -> None: # pragma: no cover '''Stores a localized mapping between types. See `create_map`''' ... @overload def create_map(self, # pylint: disable=no-self-use input_types: Iterable[type], output_type: Type[_OutputType], map_function: None, force: bool) -> Callable[[Callable[..., _OutputType]], Callable[..., _OutputType]]: # pragma: no cover '''Stores a localized mapping between types. See `create_map`''' ... @overload def create_map(self, # pylint: disable=no-self-use input_types: Iterable[type], output_type: Type[_OutputType], map_function: Callable[..., _OutputType], force: bool) -> None: # pragma: no cover '''Stores a localized mapping between types. See `create_map`''' ...
[docs] def create_map(self, input_types, output_type, map_function=None, force=False): '''Stores a localized mapping between types. See `create_map`.''' input_types = _make_tuple(input_types) for map_type in input_types + (output_type,): if not isinstance(map_type, type): raise exceptions.MapTypeError(map_type) def set_map_function(map_function: Callable[..., _OutputType]) -> Callable[..., _OutputType]: if not callable(map_function): raise exceptions.MapFunctionTypeError(map_function) self._mappings.setdefault(input_types, dict()) if not force: mapping = self._mappings[input_types].get(output_type, None) if mapping: raise exceptions.DuplicateMappingError(input_types, output_type, mapping) self._mappings[input_types][output_type] = map_function return map_function if map_function is None: return set_map_function set_map_function(map_function)
@overload def map(self, input_instance: Any, output_type: Type[_OutputType]) -> _OutputType: # pylint: disable=no-self-use; # pragma: no cover '''Specialized form of `map` for retrieving one-to-one mappings.''' ... @overload def map(self, input_instances: Iterable[Any], output_type: Type[_OutputType]) -> _OutputType: # pylint: disable=no-self-use; # pragma: no cover '''General form of `map` for retrieving one-to-one mappings.''' ...
[docs] def map(self, input_instances, output_type): '''Converts `input_instances` using a mapping from `map(type, input_instances)` to `output_type`. See `map`. ''' input_instances = _make_tuple(input_instances) input_types = tuple(map(type, input_instances)) if input_types not in self._mappings: raise exceptions.MapInputKeyError(input_types) map_function = self._mappings[input_types].get(output_type, None) if not map_function: raise exceptions.MapOutputKeyError(input_types, output_type) return map_function(*input_instances)