Source code for objectmapper

# pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring

from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, Optional, overload, Type, TypeVar

from .objectmapper import ObjectMapper, _InputType, _OutputType
from .exceptions import (

__all__ = [

_OBJECT_MAPPER = ObjectMapper()

def create_map(input_type: Type[_InputType],
               output_type: Type[_OutputType],
               map_function: None,
               force: bool) -> Callable[[Callable[[_InputType], _OutputType]],
                                        Callable[[_InputType], _OutputType]]:  # pragma: no cover
    '''Specialized form of `create_map` for a one-to-one mapping.

    If a map function is not provided, then it behaves as a decorator
    and returns the decorated function

def create_map(input_type: Type[_InputType],
               output_type: Type[_OutputType],
               map_function: Callable[[_InputType], _OutputType],
               force: bool) -> None:  # pragma: no cover
    '''Specialized form of `create_map` for a one-to-one mapping.

    If a map function is provided, then there are only side effects
    and nothing is returned.

def create_map(input_types: Iterable[type],
               output_type: Type[_OutputType],
               map_function: None,
               force: bool) -> Callable[[Callable[..., _OutputType]],
                                        Callable[..., _OutputType]]:  # pragma: no cover
    '''If a map function is provided, then there are only side effects and
    nothing is returned.

def create_map(input_types: Iterable[type],
               output_type: Type[_OutputType],
               map_function: Callable[..., _OutputType],
               force: bool) -> None:  # pragma: no cover
    '''If a map function is provided, then there are only side effects and
    nothing is returned.

[docs]def create_map(input_types, output_type, map_function=None, force=False): '''Stores a mapping (`map_function`) from objects of types `input_types` to an object of type `output_type`. If `force` is `True`, then any pre-existing mapping from `input_types` to `output_type` is overwritten. .. testsetup:: create_map_explicit import objectmapper .. doctest:: create_map_explicit >>> # One-to-one >>> objectmapper.create_map(int, str, lambda i: str(i)) >>>, str) '42' >>> # Many-to-one >>> objectmapper.create_map((int, float), str, lambda i, j: str(i + j)) >>>, 25.1), str) '50.1' .. testcleanup:: create_map_explicit import importlib importlib.reload(objectmapper) Can also be used as a _decorator_ .. testsetup:: create_map_decorator import objectmapper .. doctest:: create_map_decorator >>> @objectmapper.create_map((int, float), str) ... def int_float_to_str(i: int, j: float) -> str: ... return str(i + j) >>>, 25.1), str) '50.1' .. testcleanup:: create_map_decorator import importlib importlib.reload(objectmapper) `MapTypeError` is raised if and of the `input_types` or `output_type` are not types `MapFunctionTypeError` is raised if `map_function` is not callable. `DuplicateMappingError` is raised if there is a pre-existing mapping from `input_types` to `output_type` and `force` is `False`. ''' return _OBJECT_MAPPER.create_map(input_types, output_type, map_function, force)
@overload def map(input_instance: Any, output_type: Type[_OutputType]) -> _OutputType: # pragma: no cover pylint: disable=redefined-builtin '''Specialized form of `map` for retrieving one-to-one mappings.''' ... @overload def map(input_instances: Iterable[Any], output_type: Type[_OutputType]) -> _OutputType: # pragma: no cover pylint: disable=redefined-builtin '''General form of `map` for retrieving many-to-one mappings.''' ...
[docs]def map(input_instances, output_type): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin '''Returns an object of type `output_type` by giving `*input_instances` to the mapping from `map(type, input_instances)` to `output_type`. .. testsetup:: map import objectmapper .. doctest:: map >>> import objectmapper >>> # One-to-one >>> @objectmapper.create_map(int, str) ... def longform_int_to_str(i: int) -> str: ... digits = (str(x) for x in range(10)) ... words = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', ... 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine'] ... digit_to_word = {d: w for d, w in zip(digits, words)} ... return ' '.join(digit_to_word[c] for c in str(i)) >>>, str) 'four five one' >>> # Many-to-one >>> @objectmapper.create_map((int, int), str) ... def longform_int_int_to_str(i: int, j: int) -> str: ... return ' '.join(map(longform_int_to_str, [i, j])) >>>, 234), str) 'four five one two three four' .. testcleanup:: map import importlib importlib.reload(objectmapper) Raises `MapInputKeyError` if there are no mappings from `map(type, input_instances)`. Raises `MapOutputKeyError` if there are no mappings from `map(type, input_instances)` to `output_type`. ''' return, output_type)